Legal notice

Ownership :

The website is the property of Le Moulin de Barbentane – Ollier and the headquarter is in France : Moulin de Barbentane Ollier rte d'avignon 13570 barbentane

The publishing director is the owner of the Moulin : M. Jean-Roch Ollier

The website is hosted by Groupe iD2i4 Rue Jean AlthenBâtiment Le Giotto84 000 AVIGNONPhone number  : 0 820 200 305

The general structure, texts, pictures, GIF, sounds, graphic design, documents, database and all the elements that are made for the Moulin de Barbentane’s website are the properties of the Moulin. All the information, pictures, video, logos of the partner companies are their properties and so the information can’t be used without their permit.

All database, information, images, and any other content used on this website is subject to protection by intellectual property law. Therefore any reproduction of the elements of the website will be considered as a counterfeit and will be punished by the intellectual property law.

The information of the website (only regarding the Moulin de Barbentane) can be used with the permission of the owner (Jean-Roch Ollier) and with the mention of the source ( The information can’t be used for advertising. The owner of the Moulin de Barbentane can, whenever he wants, prohibit the use of the website’s information and the concerned person will have eight days to remove the Moulin’s information from the Internet.

Conception, writing, coordination, graphic design and development: Moulin de Barbentane Ollier - 04 90 20 95 02

Graphic Design : iD2i PACA - 4 rue Jean Althen - Le Giotto - 84000 Avignon

Development : iD2i PACA - 4 rue Jean Althen - Le Giotto - 84000 Avignon 

Contents : Moulin de Barbentane Ollier - Ubik Dulcamara - iD2i PACA   

Informations nominatives : Individual-relative data :

Moulin de Barbentane Ollierrte d'avignon 13570 barbentane04 90 20 95 02 –

The website does not collect your data. But we can send you a survey about your experience for statistics. In that case, the Moulin de Barbentane won’t use your information for business.

You have to leave your real address if you are asked to.

On this website, you will have to communicate some information. The information can be used for surveys. Because of the law “Informatique et libertés”of  January 6th, 1978 amended in 2004, you can have access and rectify your data by contacting: Moulin de Barbentane Ollierrte d'avignon 13570 barbentane04 90 20 95 02 –

Liens hypertextes : Hyperlinks :

The Moulin de Barbentane Ollier can authorise a website to create a link to access For that, you just have to ask for an authorization. The owner of the website will have to remove the link if the Moulin de barbentane asks to and will have 2 days to do so.

Related  websites :

The Moulin de Barbentane declines every responsibility for the content available on the websites linked in

Information about cookies :

The user is informed that a cookie can be installed automatically on his navigation system. A cookie is a database that will not identify you but that will register the information of your navigation on the website. You can desactivate the cookie at any time.

Mirroring prohibited  

The only URL for the website is No other URL is authorized to put the website online.


The website won’t be responsible for some damages on your computer ( virus or dysfunctions).

Law :

The users of the website have to respect the law regarding the computing, the datas and the liberties. Any violation can be punished by law. The users have to accept the conditions of use (conditions that can be changed by the owner of the website if the laws change). The French court is the only one that is competent in case of dispute.

The website can be used to resolve a dispute online.